Thursday, November 3, 2011

Burnt out and heading towards a fix.

Jesus! I can't take this shit anymore. I leave kids with parent's who should have their reproductive organs foreclosed on by God and take kids whose parent's just need a little help. This is not why I went to school for six years to become a social worker. I wanted to help people and families, instead my every move is bound by red tape and bureaucratic bullshit. Today I had one of my best foster families inform me that they wont take anymore kids because they can never reach the assigned social workers, and they never get the truth about the kids they are taking into their home. It's not the first time it's happened, and it probably won't be the last. Hopefully I will get the approval for my research project, but first I need to have funding in place.

I submitted my proposal today for funding to the financing committee today. Hopefully I will get the approval for my research project, but first I need to have funding in place. Guess we'll see what happens with that. I guess they have to see a need for the results good or bad, but we all know that's just a smoke screen for not funding any research projects that may reflect badly on the agency. I doubt the proposal will be approved, but what the hell, all they can do is say no right? It's kinda like that old saying whats worse trying and failing or never having tried at all? In this case I think it would be not trying at all.

I had the joy of meeting our new supervisor today. I think I was still in diapers when she started working for the county. She is so "by the book", I just know we are going to bump heads. Her name is Lucinda "but you can call her Lucy." that's any better. Ironic though, because the whole time she was talking I thought I was listening to Charlie Browns teacher. Whaaa whaaa wha whaaaa whaaaaa! UGH! Something better has to happen today, because last night sucked and I woke up this and it just continued.

Last night I was on-call and had to deal with Detective Moritz again on a case, I swear she was a man in a previous life. If that woman has an ounce of compassion for anyone I think her heart might explode. I mean she is a good cop but she will rip a child from the arms of the pope if she feels it  needs to be done. The problem is, she's not a social worker, shes a cop...she needs to leave the social work to us and just back up our decisions. Instead she seems to do the exact opposite of what I think should be done...I wonder what her issue is.

Please be aware that this is a work of fiction. It is an attempt to design a new type of story telling which will reveal itself as it evolves. Please do not send the men in black suits to my is FICTION!!!